Optometrists & Eye Care Specialists in Davie, FL

There are 4649 practicing Optometrists & Eye Care providers in all specialties in Davie, FL. Looking for a specific specialty? Choose from 6 different specialties by clicking the specialty link the the sidebar to the right.

Click an Optometrist or Eye Care Provider below to view addresses, phone numbers, reviews, and more.


Dr. Albert David Woodsii Phone, Address, & Info in Davie, FL
Dr. Albert David Woodsii
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Alexandra M Espejo Phone, Address, & Info in Davie, FL
Dr. Alexandra M Espejo
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Alicia Andrade Groce Phone, Address, & Info in Davie, FL
Dr. Alicia Andrade Groce
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Almas Khan Phone, Address, & Info in Davie, FL
Almas Khan
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Amanda Brown Phone, Address, & Info in Davie, FL
Amanda Brown
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Amanda Morris Scott Phone, Address, & Info in Davie, FL
Amanda Morris Scott
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Amandip Singh Sappal Phone, Address, & Info in Davie, FL
Dr. Amandip Singh Sappal
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Amandip Singh Sappal
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Amber Fiarman
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Ana Abugazaleh
Specialty: Optician
Dr. Andrea Marcy Janoff
Specialty: Corneal and Contact Lens Management
Andrew Michael Bolles
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Andrew Scott Cormier
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Annette Bade
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Arnold Arthur Patrick
Specialty: Corneal and Contact Lens Management
Dr. Barry Joseph Frauens
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Besty Jacob
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Brandon Joseph Prete
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Bryan Mirone
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Casey Michelle Hamm
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Chandra Elizabeth Engs
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Chandra V. Mickles
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Christopher Edwin Woodruff
Specialty: Corneal and Contact Lens Management
Dr. Cia Ghavami
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Cory Matthew Collier
Specialty: Corneal and Contact Lens Management
Deanna Born
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Deborah Michelle Amster
Specialty: Pediatric Optometry
Dr. Diana Lynn Shechtman
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Doo Yeon Kang
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Elizabeth Anne Sanders
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Eric Phillip Dupuis
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Erin Christine Jenewein
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Eulogio Besada
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Eva Duchnowski
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Florida Eyecare Consultants
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Graham Rasanen
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Gregory Scott Black
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Gregory Michael Fecho
Specialty: Pediatric Optometry
Dr. Haley Ehren Fineberg
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Heidi Wagner
Specialty: Corneal and Contact Lens Management
Hong-Hanh Thi Dinh
Specialty: Pediatric Optometry
Hua Bi
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Ivette H Gonzalez
Specialty: Pediatric Optometry
Dr. Jacqueline Rodena
Specialty: Pediatric Optometry
Dr. Jacqui Botkin
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. James Krisel
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Mrs. Jane Hidalgo
Specialty: Optician
Jane Mireille Therrien
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Janet Louise Leasher
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Jay M Rumsey
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Jessica Steen
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Jill Esther Leisner
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Joseph James Pizzimenti
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Joseph William Sowka
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Julie A Tyler
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Kandace Lauren Haines
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Kara Allison Collier
Specialty: Pediatric Optometry
Katherine Elizabeth Green
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Kenneth R Seger
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Kimberly Kay Reed
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Laura Angela Falco
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Leticia Alexandra Rousso
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Lewis N Reich
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Linda Santucci Rouse
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Lori Ann Vollmer
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Luis F Rodriguez
Specialty: Optician
Dr. Mahsa Hosseini-Modarres
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Mariem Abdou
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Maryam Rezvaniabkenar
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Matthew T. Fostier, O.D., P.A.
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Matthew Thomas Fostier
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Matthew Walsh
Specialty: Vision Therapy
Dr. Melanie A Crandall
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Michael Kimmelman Od Pa
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Michael J Au
Specialty: Pediatric Optometry
Dr. Michael Bacigalupi
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Michael Jay Giese
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Michael Alan Kimmelman
Specialty: Corneal and Contact Lens Management
Dr. Michael Steven Mann
Specialty: Corneal and Contact Lens Management
Michelle Jacqueline Nadeau
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Miles J Glasser
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Morvarid Fallahzadeh, L.L.C.
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Nadine M Girgis
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Natalie Ann Knabb
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Neeta Kapoor Chhabra
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Nicole Ann Patterson
Specialty: Low Vision Rehabilitation
Dr. Nimisha Patel
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Olena Moiseiykina
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Pamela R Oliver
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Pavanjeet Ubhi
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Pinar Haytac
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Pravina P Patel
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Rachel A Coulter
Specialty: Pediatric Optometry
Dr. Rene Gonzales Camacho
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Reuben Margulis
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Richard A Norman Pa
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Richard E Guzak
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Richard A Norman
Specialty: Corneal and Contact Lens Management
Dr. Richard Van
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Rim Makhlouf
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Robert Agnew
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Rosalyn Lushawn Coleman
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Rosemary Hill Cook
Specialty: Optician
Dr. Rusk Harris
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Sara Berke-Silva
Specialty: Corneal and Contact Lens Management
Dr. Scott Schatz
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Mrs. Shannon Joy Dehesa
Specialty: Pediatric Optometry
Dr. Sheena Lynn Jessee
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Sherrol Andrea Reynolds
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Stacy Rochelle Zubkousky
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Surbhi Bansal
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Tamara Mendez Romero
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Thanh Hien Nguyen
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Timothy J Zeigler
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Tracy A. Kimmelman, O.D., P.A.
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Valerie Lefebvre
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
World Optical Ii Inc
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Xiao Xi Yu
Specialty: Low Vision Rehabilitation
Dr. Yin Cynthia Tea
Specialty: Pediatric Optometry
Dr. Zoeanne Schinas
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)