Olympia Vision Clinic And Contact Lens Center, Pllc

NPI# 1962544692 - Olympia Vision Clinic And Contact Lens Center, Pllc is an optometrist (eye doctor) located in Olympia, WA. Share a review or see other ratings and reviews below.

Rating for Olympia Vision Clinic And Contact Lens Center, Pllc 1.00 of 5 All Reviews        Viewed On: 3/13/2025

Ratings of Olympia Vision Clinic And Contact Lens Center, Pllc's Office

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Overall: 1 2 3 4 5
Professionalism: 1 2 3 4 5
Facilities: 1 2 3 4 5
Availability: 1 2 3 4 5

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Ratings & Review of Olympia Vision Clinic And Contact Lens Center, Pllc by DKR:

Awkwardness is understandable, but to actually use a phrase to express how frustating I am is beyond hurtful and to do this during a crisis is unbelievable for a clinic that strives to provide excellent service. This doctor also had expressed annoyance in reference to other patients behaviors, so I shouldn't have been shocked this happened to me. What can a doctor do when they don't want to help you? Refer you away. This action compromised my care since I was left without a doctor during a vison-threatening crisis, while trying to set up an appointment weeks out for another clinic where no formal referral was sent, just sent my medical record with some unflattering remarks. The referral was another waste of time and money, which is part of my punishment for not fitting the mold of a perfect patient or person that Olympia Vision Clinic wants to cater to. Certainly no follow-up inquiry was ever made to ask me how I'm doing, demonstrating again a lack of dedication.

Overall: 1.00
Professionalism: 1.00
Facilities: 3.00
Availability: 1.00


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