Eye Care Of Lexington

NPI# 1194767962 - Eye Care Of Lexington is an optometrist (eye doctor) located in Lexington, SC. Share a review or see other ratings and reviews below.

Rating for Eye Care Of Lexington 4.46 of 5 All Reviews        Viewed On: 2/21/2025

Ratings of Eye Care Of Lexington's Office

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Ratings & Review of Eye Care Of Lexington by Recent customer:

I recently was seen by Dr. Bailey for my eye exam. He was great but the lady that was in the optical was very unprofessional. She had her kids running around like it was a daycare. She seemed more interested in everything else but helping me. I decided to not get glasses that day. However when i went back there was a different lady in optical that was extremely helpful. I think her name was Andrea. She was very professional and extremely knowledgeable. so glad I decided to go back because the other lady almost made me not.

Overall: 3.00
Professionalism: 4.00
Facilities: 5.00
Availability: 4.00
Ratings & Review of Eye Care Of Lexington by Shirley Albert:

Had a much better experience than before. Glad they have a different lady working in the glasses area. She is much more experienced than the last lady. I almost decided not to come back but glad I did.

Overall: 4.00
Professionalism: 2.00
Facilities: 5.00
Availability: 4.00
Ratings & Review of Eye Care Of Lexington by Ko:

Had a great experience with Eye Care of Lexington. Dr. Bailey is great and the young lady in optical really went above and beyond to fix my issue. However the older lady that works in the optical 1st of all is never there and 2nd acts like I'm a problem when I come in but maybe she is no longer there.

Overall: 5.00
Professionalism: 5.00
Facilities: 5.00
Availability: 5.00
Ratings & Review of Eye Care Of Lexington by unknown:

Dr. Bailey is great! Very good Dr. however is Brandy the lady that works in optical is never there. Hopefully they hire someone else soon.

Overall: 5.00
Professionalism: 5.00
Facilities: 5.00
Availability: 5.00
Ratings & Review of Eye Care Of Lexington by Recent customer:

The cute young blonde girl in optical is great! She really knows her stuff and extremely helpful. Best optical experience ever!

Overall: 5.00
Professionalism: 5.00
Facilities: 5.00
Availability: 5.00
Ratings & Review of Eye Care Of Lexington by Breland:

I almost wrote a bad review because Brandi in the optical really dropped the ball on my glasses. However, after she repaired them with the wrong arm and it broke I was upset and took the glasses back again and Adrian said they had a year warranty on them and got me a whole new frame. She really knows her stuff. I don't know why Brandi did not just do that in the beginning.

Overall: 4.00
Professionalism: 4.00
Facilities: 4.00
Availability: 4.00
Ratings & Review of Eye Care Of Lexington by Breland:

I almost wrote a bad review because Brandi in the optical really dropped the ball on my glasses. However, after she repaired them with the wrong arm and it broke I was upset and took the glasses back again and Adrian said they had a year warranty on them and got me a whole new frame. She really knows her stuff. I don't know why Brandi did not just do that in the beginning.

Overall: 5.00
Professionalism: 4.00
Facilities: 5.00
Availability: 4.00
Ratings & Review of Eye Care Of Lexington by Recent customer:

Great experience except optical. The girl is never there! Please hire someone else soon.

Overall: 4.00
Professionalism: 3.00
Facilities: 4.00
Availability: 4.00
Ratings & Review of Eye Care Of Lexington by Recent customer:

Great doctor and his tech Tracey is just wonderful.

Overall: 5.00
Professionalism: 5.00
Facilities: 5.00
Availability: 5.00
Ratings & Review of Eye Care Of Lexington by Recent customer:

great experience

Overall: 5.00
Professionalism: 5.00
Facilities: 5.00
Availability: 5.00
Ratings & Review of Eye Care Of Lexington by Recent customer:

best doctor ever!!

Overall: 5.00
Professionalism: 5.00
Facilities: 5.00
Availability: 5.00
Ratings & Review of Eye Care Of Lexington by Recent customer:

Great doctor but is the lady that works in optical ever there??

Overall: 4.00
Professionalism: 3.00
Facilities: 4.00
Availability: 4.00
Ratings & Review of Eye Care Of Lexington by Recent customer:

Once again called to speak to Brandy not there AGAIN!!!!

Overall: 4.00
Professionalism: 3.00
Facilities: 5.00
Availability: 4.00


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