NPI# 1417050311 - Dr. Frederick John Kahle is a male optometrist (eye doctor) located in Bridgeview, IL. See phone, address, & other relevant info below.
Business Address: 10260 S. Harlem Ave
Wal-Mart Vision Center Bridgeview,
IL60455US See Map & Get Directions
Optometrist Information
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Dr. Frederick John Kahle's specialties include:
Optometrist (Eye Doctor) (IL) - Doctors of optometry (ODs) are the primary health care professionals for the eye. Optometrists examine, diagnose, treat, and manage diseases, injuries, and disorders of the visual system, the eye, and associated structures as well as identify related systemic conditions affecting the eye. An optometrist has completed pre-professional undergraduate education in a college or university and four years of professional education at a college of optometry, leading to the doctor of optometry (O.D.) degree. Some optometrists complete an optional residency in a specific area of practice.Optometrists are eye health care professionals state-licensed to diagnose and treat diseases and disorders of the eye and visual system.
Map & Directions to the Office of Dr. Frederick John Kahle