Dr. Christine Elizabeth Corrente

NPI# 1962886986 - Dr. Christine Elizabeth Corrente is a female optometrist (eye doctor) located in Hackensack, NJ. Share a review or see other ratings and reviews below.

Rating for Dr. Christine Elizabeth Corrente 5.00 of 5 All Reviews        Viewed On: 2/21/2025

Ratings of Dr. Christine Elizabeth Corrente's Office

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Ratings & Review of Dr. Christine Elizabeth Corrente by John D. :

Dr. Corrente is an exemplary professional who took excellent care of me during my eye exam. She was very thorough and explained each part of the exam simply and clearly. I did not feel rushed during the exam, and she was more than willing to answer any questions that I had. I was allowed to try on two different types of contacts and see which ones were more comfortable. She then let me take them home along with some free samples! I highly recommend Dr. Corrente to anyone searching for a kind, attentive, and thorough optometrist.

Overall: 5.00
Professionalism: 5.00
Facilities: 5.00
Availability: 5.00


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