Dale R. Thoman, O.D. Pllc

NPI# 1740515469 - Dale R. Thoman, O.D. Pllc is an optometrist (eye doctor) located in Missoula, MT. Share a review or see other ratings and reviews below.

Rating for Dale R. Thoman, O.D. Pllc 1.00 of 5 All Reviews        Viewed On: 2/21/2025

Ratings of Dale R. Thoman, O.D. Pllc's Office

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Ratings & Review of Dale R. Thoman, O.D. Pllc by David and Catherine Yager:

This guy was terrible!!! He did not listen to me on what I told him about my vision. He then wrote a prescription that I could not see with, He did the same with my wife Catherine. When we went back to try to rectify the problem I was told he would charge me a second time for an eye exam. I walked out of his office and did not go back. He conned my wife into another exam and then billed us for it. We had already paid a co-pay thru our insurance but his office is trying to bill us for charges above and beyond what was already paid. We contacted our insurance and were told that this was against his contract terms. He has since sent our "outstanding" bill to collection. He made no attempt to resolve my vision problem and then expected us to pay for a poorly rendered service. I do not recommend him for anything. He is associated with Lens Crafters in the mall in Missoula, They were great to deal with, Dr Thoman was not.

Overall: 1.00
Professionalism: 1.00
Facilities: 4.00
Availability: 2.00


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