Mr. Frank L. Herron

NPI# 1902990021 - Mr. Frank L. Herron is a male ophthalmology specialist located in Rochester, NY. See phone, address, & other relevant info below.

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Contact Information

(585) 442-1750
Business Address:
2180 Monroe Ave
Rochester, NY 14618-2410 US
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Optometrist Information

NPI Number: 1902990021
Gender: M
Sole Proprietor? Yes
Part of another organization? N/A
Parent Organization Name: N/A
Date Added: 10/3/2006
Profile Last Updated: 7/22/2008


Mr. Frank L. Herron's specialties include:

  • Contact Lens Fitter (NY) - An optician or other ancillary support staff person who, where authorized by state law and trained or certified to do so, may fit or dispense contact lenses to a patient based on the prescription of an optometrist or medical physician.
  • Ophthalmology (NY) - An ophthalmologist is a specialist in medical and surgical eye problems. Since ophthalmologists perform operations on eyes, they are both surgical and medical (M.D.) specialists. Trained as doctors, Ophthalmologists must have completed a college degree, medical shool, as well as residency in ophtalmology.

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Dr., Mr., Ms.
D., Joe
123 Streetname Ave.
Suite 108
New York
90210, 90210-1234
(213) 555-1234
(213) 555-1234
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