Hmp Optical Inc (Econs Opticians)

NPI# 1134256407 - Hmp Optical Inc (Econs Opticians) is a contact lens fitter located in New City, NY. See phone, address, & other relevant info below.

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Contact Information

(845) 634-8816
(845) 634-8728
Business Address:
70 South Main St
New City, NY 10956-3514 US
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Optometrist Information

NPI Number: 1134256407
Gender: N/A
Sole Proprietor? N/A
Part of another organization? No
Parent Organization Name: N/A
Date Added: 2/27/2007
Profile Last Updated: 6/7/2008


Hmp Optical Inc (Econs Opticians)'s specialties include:

  • Contact Lens Fitter (NY) - An optician or other ancillary support staff person who, where authorized by state law and trained or certified to do so, may fit or dispense contact lenses to a patient based on the prescription of an optometrist or medical physician.
  • Ocularist (NY) - An ocularist is someone who specializes in the fabrication and fitting of ocular prostheses for people who have lost an eye or eyes due to trauma or illness. The fabrication process for a custom made eye typically includes taking an impression of the eye socket, shaping a plastic shell, painting the iris and then fitting the ocular prostheses. In addition to creating the prosthetic eye, they show the patient how to care for and handle the prosthesis. Ocularists may develop their skills from various background disciplines, for example medical, optometry, dental, nursing, biology, medical arts and illustration.
  • Ophthalmology (NY) - An ophthalmologist is a specialist in medical and surgical eye problems. Since ophthalmologists perform operations on eyes, they are both surgical and medical (M.D.) specialists. Trained as doctors, Ophthalmologists must have completed a college degree, medical shool, as well as residency in ophtalmology.

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