Optometrists (Eye Doctors) in Columbus, OH

There are a total of 2802 Optometrists (Eye Doctors) in Columbus, OH. There are 3153 practicing Optometrists & Eye Care providers in all specialties in Columbus, OH.

Click an Optometrist (Eye Doctor) below to view addresses, phone numbers, reviews, and more.


Dr. Aaron Bernath Zimmerman Phone, Address, & Info in Columbus, OH
Dr. Aaron Bernath Zimmerman
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Abigail Glenna Graeff Phone, Address, & Info in Columbus, OH
Dr. Abigail Glenna Graeff
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Adina M Blum Phone, Address, & Info in Columbus, OH
Dr. Adina M Blum
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Alan Young Gillogly Phone, Address, & Info in Columbus, OH
Dr. Alan Young Gillogly
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Alex Dominic Nixon Phone, Address, & Info in Columbus, OH
Dr. Alex Dominic Nixon
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Amanda Ransdell Phone, Address, & Info in Columbus, OH
Amanda Ransdell
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Andrea J Liu Phone, Address, & Info in Columbus, OH
Dr. Andrea J Liu
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Andrew Crist Phone, Address, & Info in Columbus, OH
Dr. Andrew Crist
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Andrea J Liu
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Andrew Crist
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Andrew David Pucker
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Andrew James Toole
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Andrew Thomas Weibel
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Angela Greenslait
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Ann Marie Morrison
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Asha Motter
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Barbara Fink
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Barbara Mihalik
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Barbara Teague Savage
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Bethel Vision Center
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Bradley Edward Dougherty
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Brett Christopher Irvin
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Brian Robert Williams
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Campus Optical (Eye Styles)
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Candace Greenough
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Capital Vision Care, Inc.
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Carl Olson Od, Llc
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Carl Olson
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Carrie E. Mcmahon
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Central Ohio Eye Care (Eyes On Lane)
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Central Ohio Eyecare, Inc
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Chantelle L Mundy
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Chestnut Hill Eye Care, Llc
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Chrisoula Morris
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Chris A Smiley
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Christina Vakaleris
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Chu Yong Jeong
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Clara Lawrence
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Clayton Nathaniel Hicks
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Columbus Eyecare Associates, Inc.
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Craig Charles Mcsurdy
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Craig Allen O'dell
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Cynthia Sayers
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Daniel Andrew Detwiler
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Daniel P Hickey
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Daniel James Koch
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Danielle Lanzer
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Daniel Russell Powell
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Daniel J Rozzo
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Darrell D Dye
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
David M. Ohle, O.D. Llc
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. David W Bennettjr.
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. David P. Dickson
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. David Martin Gill
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
David A. Luther
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
David Brian Mihaly
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
David M. Ohle
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
David L Waite
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Mr. David Michael Zigler
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dawn Jennifer Goedde
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Dawn Lynette Hartman
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Del J Edwards
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Dennis Michael Dopkiss
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Douglas Wayne Bloss
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Douglas Joseph Bosner
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Adina M. Blum & Associates
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. D. Michael Dopkiss & Associates Inc.
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Driving Park Vision Center
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Dustin J Gardner
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dwb, Inc (Eye Designs Grandview)
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Elizabeth Jean Cockerill
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Ellen Clines
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Emily Ann Ufken
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Erica Danielle O'brien
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Eric E. Neader
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Eric Dean Ostrem
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Erin Marie Rueff
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Eyes On High, Llc
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Family First Vision Care
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Gerald Richard Page
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Ghoptometry, Llc
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Gilbert E. Pierce
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Gregary Graves
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Greg Hopkinsii
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Mr. Gregory Lynn Coburn
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Mr. Gregory W Denaeyer
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Guy R Scarozza
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Heather Renee Bowen
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Helen Ann Lewis
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Hope Patterson Gardner
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Horvath Vision Care, Inc.
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Horvath Vision Care, Inc.
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Howard D. Jordan
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Independent Doctors Of Optometry
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Jacqueline G. Davis Optometrist Inc
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Jacqueline Goings Davis
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
James L Edick Od Llc
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
James Cooke Bieber
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
James R Fleming
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. James Bradley Oatney
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Jamie Horvath
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Mrs. Janna L. Vargo
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Jayeanna Rae Hanning
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Jeffery M Schafer
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Jeffrey Steven Gardner
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Jeffrey Jay Walline
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Jenna Lorraine Zigler
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Jennifer L Weaver O.D., Llc
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Jennifer Fogt
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Jennifer L Schmelzer
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Jennifer Erin Shewring
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Jennifer Lee Weaver
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Joan Kay Nerderman
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
John R Gwin
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. John P. Maszczak
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. John M. Melnyk
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Jonathan Jay Pflueger
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Jonelle Jean Knapp
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Jordan Todd Bierman
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Joseph T Barr
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Joseph James Blake
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Joshua Wolf
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Julie Brown Manuguerra
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Julie A Curtis
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Julie Feduik Henry
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Julie Lynn Preston
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Karen D. Budd
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Karen J. Kloman
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Kari Rene' Cardiff
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Kasey J. Huffman
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Kathryn Richdale
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Kathryn L Simonovich
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Kelly Elizabeth Kingsbury
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Kristen Jill Burkholder
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Kristina Marie Haworth
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Lamar G Zigler
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Lawrence A Gill
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Leslie Joan Humphrey
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Levitin Eye Care Center Inc
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Linda Clarkson
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Linda Brassil Dawson
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Lisa A Lex
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Lois Rollins
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Lori Nichols Beals
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Lucille Doak-Mccauley
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Maggie Bucher
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Mark Horvath
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Mark Nolan
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Mr. Mark Howard Rinkov
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Martin D Levitin
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Maryellen Swartz Luebbers
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Matthew E. Jones
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Megan Taylor
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Melissa Diane Bailey
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Melissa Rutan Vetter
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Michael S Berk
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Michael P Gilliland
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Michael B Kayser
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Michael E Lembach
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Michael F Parolini
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Michael H Stein
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Michael Thumm
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Michele Lynnmaneca Hager
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Michelle L. Veneziano, O.D. Inc.
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Michelle Jerwers Buckland
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Michelle Lynn Veneziano
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Mikhail Petrov
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Miller Vision Services Inc
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Molly Smith
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Monica Roy
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Nadine Miranda Breslow
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Nicklaus Fogt
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
North Star Vision Center At Schrock, Inc.
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Northwest Vision Center
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Paolo Antonio Cursaro
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Patrick Allan Janson
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Pearle Vision Inc
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Peter William Bickel
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Philip Neal Arner
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Phillip Thomas Yuhas
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Phyllis M Solack
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Primesource Healthcare Of Ohio, Inc.
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Professional Eye Care Associates, Inc.
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Rachele Huffman
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Rachel R Lefebvre
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Rachel C. Watson
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Richard J Vesler O.D., Inc
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Richard F Rosenthal
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Richard J Vesler
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Richard C Wilkerson
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Riverview Eye Associates
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Robert F. Koerner
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Robert Douglas Newcomb
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Robert D Strohl
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Rufaro P Mudzinganyama
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Sam Carifa Od Inc
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Sam G Carifa
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Sandra Williams Anderson
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. San-San Cooley
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Sara Marie Bokan
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Sarah Louise Dieter
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Sara Jo Huffman
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Sara Patricia Stubblefield
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Sawmill Eye Associates, Inc.
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Scioto Eye Care
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Scott Hanes
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
See Inc.
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Sherri Rene Reed
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Southern Vision Center, Inc.
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Stacie L Errington
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Stephanie L Pisano
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Steve Grant
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Steven J Curtis
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Steven David Walsh
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Su Pei B Li
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Su-Pei Li Od Llc
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Susan C Zacatelco
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Sylvia Lynn Jones
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Tabinda Shah (Easton Family Eyecare)
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Tamara S Oechslin
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Ted Smiley
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Terry P Duncan
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
The Lasik Vision Institute Llc
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Thomas Robert Maley
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Tina M Pawlikowski
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Todd Ernest Chontos
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Todd Matthew Perigo
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Tracey Lynn Manbeck
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Travis R Zigler
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Troy Robert Ogden
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Valerie Jo Gardner
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Vicki Goldfarb Berger
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Visionone Optical Llc
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Visionone Professional, Llc
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Visual Care Associates, Inc.
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Wasim M. Sleiman
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
William Randy Mclaughlin
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. William Oscor Schullerjr.
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. William C Steller
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Yoongie E. Min
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)
Dr. Yuen Tsz Lam
Specialty: Optometrist (Eye Doctor)